Photographs (left to right): Mt. Charleston, Nevada; St. Thomas, Pennsylvania; Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Odawa Wampum Belt
Courtesy NMC/CMC/575-620
Photo Courtesy Ray Skye
Original Size:
Wampum on leather, commercial thread (Lainey, 2011).
Wampum belt which may have originated with Joseph Brant, either during his last visit to England, or afterward, in return for the favor of the then Earl of Warwick who commissioner Romney to do Brant's portrait that is now in the National Gallery in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Belt was At Warwick Castle, Warwick, England, But was sold at auction by Sotheby's, London, 8 Dec 1969. Present location unknown
Hill, Rick. 2013. Personal Communications.
Lainey, Jonathan. 2011. Personal Communications. Aboriginal Archive. Quebec, Canada